Sunday, December 4, 2011

About bid’ah

Bismillaah Ar-RaHmaan Ar-RaHeem
Al-Hamdu Lillaah, was-Salaatu was-Salaamu `ala Rasoolillah
As-Salaamu `Alaikum wa RaHmatullaahi wa Barakaatuh


`AQEEDAH, Adopted From "A Glimpse at the Way of the Companions",
by Shaikh `Abdul Qaadir al-Arna'oot, published by al-Hidaayah

From the beliefs of the Pious Predecessors is that it is
obligatory to have eemaan (faith) in all that the Qur'aan has
come with, and what Allaah, the Most High, has ordered us with,
and leaving all that Allaah, the Most High, has prohibited us
from, the general and the detailed. We believe in all that the
Prophet, sallaallaahu `alaihi wa sallam, has informed us of,
when its transmission from him is authentic, in that which we
witness or do not witness, regardless of whether we comprehend
it, or are ignorant of it or we have not come accross the
reality of its meaning.

We carry out the orders of Allaah, the Most High, and the orders
of his Messenger, sallaallaahu `alaihi wa sallam. We refrain
from what Allaah, the most High has prohibited us from and what
the Messenger of Allaah, sallaallaahu `alaihi wa sallam,
prohibited us from. We stop at the hudood (boundaries) of the
Book of Allaah, and the Sunnah of the Messenger of Allaah,
sallaallaahu `alaihi wa sallam, and that which has come from the
rightly guided Khulafaa. Our duty is to do ittibaa` (following)
of that which the Prophet, sallaallaahu `alaihi wa sallam, has
come with: from beliefs, actions and sayings, to follow the way
of Allaah's Messenger, sallaallaahu `alaihi wa sallam, and the
four rightly guided Khulafaa', in their beliefs, actions and
sayings. This is the complete Sunnah, as the Sunnah of the
rightly guided Khulafaa' is adhered to like the following of the
Prophetic Sunnah.

`Umar ibn `Abdul `Azeez said:

"The Messenger of Allaah, sallaallahu `alaihi wa sallam, and the
leaders of the Muslims after him set examples (Sunnah), the
taking of which is holding on to the Book of Allaah, the Most
High, and strength upon the Deen of Allaah. It is not for any
one to change or alter it, nor to look at a matter in opposition
to it. Whoever is guided by it then he is truly guided, and
whoever seeks help by it then he is truly helped. Whoever
leaves it and follows a way other than the way of the believers,
Allaah will turn him to what he has chosen and burn him in hell,
what en evil abode!"

This is confirmed by the saying of Allaah's Messenger,
sallaallaahu `alaihi wa sallam:

"...and beware of newly invented matters, for verily every
bid`ah is a going astray."

This hadeeth is a great principle from the principles of the
Deen and it resembles another saying of the Prophet,
sallaallaahu `alaihi wa sallam:

"Whoever innovates in to this Deen of ours that which is not
from it, then it is rejected."

[Reported by al-Bukhaaree in ta`leeq form (without mentioning
the chain) (4/298) and in the full form (5/221), Muslim (no.
1718), Aboo Daawood in the book of Sunnah (no. 4606), Ibn
Maajah (no. 14).]

In it is a warning from following newly invented matters in the
Deen and worship. The meaning of bid`ah is that which has been
invented and has no root in the Sharee`ah pointing to it. As
for what has a root in the Sharee`ah pointing to it it is not
legally (technically) a bid`ah; even though linguistically the
term bid`ah may be applied to it. Thus whenever something new
is introduced into the Deen, having no root (in the Deen) to
return it to, then it is a misguidance - deviation. The Deen is
free of it, regardless of whether it is connected to issues of
beliefs, actions or sayings.

As for the istihsaan (approval and condoning) of bid`ah, which
occurred in the words of the predecessors, then that is in
relation to bid`ah al-logawee (linguistic use of bid`ah) and not
in the legal (technical) use of the term bid`ah. From these
saying is the saying of `Umar bin al-Khattaab, when he gathered
the people in Qiyaam-ur-Ramadaan - Taraaweeh prayers - behind
one Imaam in the masjid. He went out and saw them praying and
he said: "What a wonderful bid`ah."

This has a root in Sharee`ah. Verily the Messenger of Allaah,
sallaallaahu `alaihi wa sallam prayed it (this prayer) in
congregation in the masjid and then he left it, fearing that it
might become obligatory upon his Ummah and that they would be
unable to perform it. Indeed they became free of this fear
after the Prophet, sallaallaahu `alaihi wa sallam. So `Umar
(radiyallaahu `anhu) revived it. As for that which is a matter
confirmed, in worship, then it is not permissible to make
additions to it.

So, for example of the adhaan, remains in the form in which it
was legislated, without addition or subtraction. The Prayer
remains upon the manner it was legislated as the Messenger of
Allaah, sallaallaahu `alaihi wa sallam said:

"Pray as you have seen me praying."

This is an authentic hadeeth, reported by al-Bukhaaree in his

Hajj remains upon the manner in which it was legislated, because
the Messenger of Allaah, sallaallaahu `alaihi wa sallam, said:

"Take from me your rites (of Hajj)." [Saheeh Muslim, Book of
Hajj, 1297]

Indeed the Muslims have done things that were not present in the
time of the Messenger of Allaah, sallaallaahu `alaihi wa sallam,
due to them being daroorah (necessities) in preserving Islaam.
Indeed they have permitted it and kept quiet about it. Like the
gathering of the people to one mushaaf (that which the Qur'aan
is written upon), by `Uthmaan bin `Affaan (radiyallaahu `anhu),
fearing the splitting of the Ummah. Indeed it was approved of
by the Companions (radiyallaahu `anhum) and that was for a
maslaha (benefit).

The example of writing down Prophetic traditions (hadeeth)
fearing its loss due to the death of its people. The writing of
Tafseer of the Qur'aan and the Hadeeth. The compilation of `Ilm
an-Nahw (science of grammar) to safeguard the Arabic language,
which is a means of understanding Islaam. The formation of `Ilm
al-Mustalah (science of hadeeth). Thus, these are permissible
to safeguard the Islamic Sharee`ah. Verily, Allaah, the Most
High, has taken the responsability of safeguarding His Law -
from His saying:

"Indeed it is We who sent down the Dhikr (Qur'aan) and surely
We will guard it (from corruption). [al-Hijr (15):9]

The Messenger of Allaah, sallaallaahu `alaihi wa sallam, said:

"This `Ilm (Deen) will be carried by the trustworthy of ones of
each generation. Negating from it the tahreef (alterations) of
the ones going beyond bounds, the false assumptions of the
liars, and the ta'weel (false interpretations) of the ignorant."

This hadeeth is hasan due to all its chains and shawaahids
(supporting narrations).

This is the belief (`aqeedah) - of the group of this Ummah (i.e.
the Companions radiyallaahu `anhum) and it is a pure belief like
the purity of fresh drinking water, strong as the firmly fixed
mountains, firm as the firmest of hand holds. It is a flawless
`Aqeedah, a straight way, upon the methodology of the Book and
the Sunnah and the sayings of the Predecessors of this Ummah and
its A'immah (leaders). It is the way which revived the hearts
of the pioneers of this Ummah.
"By Time! Verily man is in loss. Except those who
believe and do righteous deeds and help one
another to the truth and help one another to patience."
al-Qur'aan, al-`Asr (103):1-3

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