Tuesday, November 29, 2011

About politic

THE state of the anti-Communist campaign culminated today, our politics have a decisive meaning. But among our cadres, there are still many who do not understand, that the political parties today have very different political party during the Agrarian Revolution. Must be known, that during the War Against Japanese Aggression, whether under any circumstances, our Party politics in the form of a national united front against Japanese aggression will remain unchanged, that a lot of politics in the Agrarian Revolution ten years old should not be used just like that now. Lebih2 politics too much left at the end of the Agrarian Revolution - because they do not know that the Chinese revolution has two main features, namely as a bourgeois democratic revolution in semi-colonial country and the long term - not only can not use it all the time against aggression Japan now, even one as well at that time. Politik2 it covers the following example: "encirclement and annihilation" the fifth of the Kuomintang and the struggle against "encirclement and annihilation" of our fifth time it was called a decisive war between the revolutionary line by line counter-revolutionary; extermination of the bourgeoisie and the rich peasants economic terms (treating political bourgeoisie with labor and tax politics are too left, distributing land to poor peasants rich); extermination landlord in terms of physical (not to distribute land to them); terhantamnya intellectuals; misappropriation "Left" in the combat elements of the counter revolutionary; monopoly of the Communist members in the work of government; bow to Communist education of the people; military politics are too left (a big city and refused to attack guerrilla warfare); political adventure in the job in the White area and hit play on the field of political organization in the Party; and lain2. Politics is too left-this is a mistake opportunism "Left", exactly the opposite of Right opportunism under the leadership of the Tu-siu Tjen at the end of the First Great Revolution. At the end of the First Great Revolution, the political use segala2nya and was united in denying the struggle, while at the end of the Agrarian Revolution, the political struggle is to be used in segala2nya and denied the union (except by a mass peasant staple); this is a very prominent example shows two kinds of extremist politics. Both of these extremist political party and the revolution resulted in huge losses to bear.

Politics of national united front against Japanese aggression today is not united in the struggle segala2nya and deny, nor are they fighting in segala2nya and deny unity, but rather forge unity with the struggle. Concretely, it's politics as follows:

All the people were united against Japanese aggression (or all the workers, peasants, soldiers, students and merchants who were united against the Japanese aggression) to raise the national united front against Japanese aggression.
Political independence and freedom in the united front - should unite, but should be free anyway.
The field of military strategy, political guerrilla warfare this means a free and independent under the unity of the strategy; pokoknja guerrilla war, but war is also ignored if the car is not favorable circumstances.
In the struggle against the class of the head stone of the anti-Communist, we use the conflict, attract the largest number, smallest number opposed, destroy opponents one by one: we must be reasonable, lucky and bounded.
in the occupied enemy territory and the Kuomintang, our politics is, on the one hand, the united front work is developed. sedapat2nja, on the other hand, bersembunji more efficiency; in terms of organization and struggle, we use politics: bersembunji more efficiency, working below ground in a long time, accumulating power, waiting for an opportunity.
Regarding the relationship between the various classes of domestic politics our subject is, developing the progressive forces, attractive middle power, isolating the power of the stone head of an anti-Communist.
In the face of the stone heads class of anti-Communist, we use a revolutionary political ambiguity, namely the political union with them if they are still able to fight against Japanese aggression, and isolate them if they keras2 against the Communists. In the fight against Japanese aggression, group head of the stone is also ambiguous nature; we use the political union with them if they are still able to fight against Japanese aggression, but we oppose the use of political and isolating them if they shake (eg diam2 conspired with the Japanese aggressors, not active against Wang Tjing -Wei and traitors who lain2). In defiance of the Communist, group head of stone ambiguous nature whatsoever. Then we must also ambivalent political nature, ie, we use the political union with them when they do not want to break the rope at all Kuomintang-Communist cooperation, but we oppose the use of political and isolating them if they run the political repression and conduct a military strike wenang2 against our Party and people. An ambiguous class of this nature must be distinguished by the traitors and the pro-Japanese.
In fact, among the traitors and the pro-Japanese, there are also elements of the ambiguous nature, we must deal with the politics of ambiguity is also a revolutionary. This means, we use the political hit and isolating them if they were pro-Japanese, and using political pull and grab them when they shake. Ambiguous nature of these elements must be distinguished by a strong traitor, like Tjing-wei Wang, 1) Wang Ji-tang2) and Se Ju-san.3)
On the one hand, sir, great soil and big bourgeoisie and against the pro-Japanese resistance against Japanese aggression that must be distinguished by large landowners and the bourgeoisie of the pro-lnggeris-American and who agree with the resistance against Japanese aggression; on the other hand, big landlords and big bourgeoisie an ambiguous nature, which agree with the resistance against Japanese aggression but shake, agree with the union but opposed the Communists must be distinguished also by the group that more or less menduanja properties, such as the national bourgeoisie, landlords and small being, sense progresif.4) Based on the difference in our politics is organized. Various kinds of politics are all based on differences in the relationship of the classes.
Similarly, against imperialist. Although the Communist Party oppose any imperialist, but, on the one hand, the Japanese imperialists who are attacking China it must be distinguished with the present imperialist lain2 not attack China; on the other hand, German and Italian imperialist allied with Japan and admitted "Mantjoukuo" it must be distinguished also by the British and American imperialists against the Japanese. After all, British and Americans who had embraced the political Munich in the Far East to the detriment of the Chinese resistance against Japanese aggression, must be distinguished with the British and American politics had now let go and change pendiriannja to bolster Chinese resistance against Japanese aggression. The principle remains the tactics we use the conflict, attract the largest number, against which the smallest amount, destroy opponents one by one. In terms of foreign policy, we differ with the Kuomintang. For the Kuomintang, "the enemy is only one, the others are all friends"; at birth, he treats equally all countries except Japan, in fact he is pro-American and pro lnggeris. For us, it should look the difference: first, unlike the Soviet Union negeri2 capitalists; second, Great Britain and America differ with Germany and Italy; third, the people of Great Britain and America differ with the government of British and American imperialists; fourth, British-American politics at the time of Munich different in the Far East with their politics today. Based on the difference in our politics is organized. Line of human rights we are different from the line of the Kuomintang: we use outside help sedapat2nya by holding hard on the principle of the independence war and living on one's own, unlike the Kuomintang which relies on foreign aid and shelter under any imperialist bloc by releasing principles.

Many of the cadres in the Party's lopsided view of the tactics that deviate left or right. It can only be overcome if they are required to understand the changes and development of the Party's political past and present in a complete and systematic. At present, the major danger in the Party mengatjau outlook is still too left. Kuomintang rule in the region, many people are not able to run politik2 bersembunji sungguh2 more efficiency, working below ground in a long time, accumulating power, waiting for an opportunity, because of political rather than anti-Communist Kuomintang was deemed they were not great; besides that, there are also many people who can not run the political develop the united front work, because they foul the Kuomintang viewed entirely for granted, that they lose any sense at all. Such circumstances there is also the Japanese occupation in the area.

Right view is as good once-great influence in the area of Kuomintang rule and aggression in various anti-Japanese base areas, now it is solved basically. That view is as follows: because the united only knew but did not know the struggle, and therefore too high to assess the firmness Kuomintang against the Japanese aggression, it has blurred the distinction in principle between the Kuomintang to the Communist Party, denied political independence and freedom in the united front, her landlord nurut2i large and big bourgeoisie, according to the Kuomintang-nuruti, so that would tie his own hands, not daring to freely develop the revolutionary forces against the Japanese aggression and did not dare tegas2 political fight against the Kuomintang and the Communist limit. However, since the winter of 1939, have occurred here and there too the left diversion caused by the Kuomintang held the shift of anti-Communist and we held a defensive struggle. Although these deviations are corrected, but still not wholly, and still appears in politik2 concrete in many places. Thus, studying and completing concrete politik2 it is necessary now.

About politik2 concrete, it has been air-turut2 given instructions by the Central Committee, here we are only a few are shown in outline.

THE ORGANIZATION OF POLITICAL POWER. Must be strictly implemented "three-three" - the Communists only a third of the number of members in the body of political power, to attract people was not a Communist to a substantial amount was sitting in it. In-daerah2 such as the northern province Tjiangsu new democratic political power began to be enforced anti-Japanese aggression, the number of people who sat in Communist political power actually be less than one-third. Vice petty bourgeoisie, national bourgeoisie and progressive sense, all of whom are not actively anti-Communist was to be pulled into the badan2 badan2 representative government and the people; the Kuomintang that is not anti-Communist should be allowed to sit in it. It may also be allowed a small number of elements of the right to sit in people's representative bodies. Do sekali2 to buy up everything of our Party. We only destroy the dictatorship of the comprador bourgeoisie and big landlords, and instead replace it with one-party dictatorship of the Communist Party.

POLITICS OF LABOR. Labor activity against Japanese aggression can be raised only when their livelihoods improved. But the abuses are too left must be circumvented; not too much to add and subtract the wages of working hours. In the state of China today, the eight-hour working system is still difficult to trim. In certain branches of production, ten-hour work system remains to be permitted. For branch production lain2, working hours should be determined in accordance with the circumstances. After a tied contract between workers and employers, workers must obey the discipline of work and should enable the capitalists to make profit. Otherwise, the plant will be out of business, and this is not only beneficial in the fight against Japanese aggression, even harm the workers themselves as well. Lebih2 do we ask too high demands in improving the livelihood and raise the wages of the workers village, if not, farmers will be objected, workers will be unemployed and production will fall.

POLITICS OF AGRARIAN. Should be explained to members of the Party and farmers, that now is not the time to run the agrarian revolution to its roots vein, and the means used during the first Agrarian Revolution can not be used again today. Politics today is, on the one hand, landlords are required to reduce land rent and interest, so then the principal activities of peasant masses to fight against Japanese aggression can be raised, but the decline was not too much, too. Extraction of ground rent based on the general principle of lowering land rents 25%. When the mass percentage is increased demand, the comparison should be taken 60% or 70% for farmers while 40% or 30% is for landlords, but this limit is not exceeded. The decline rate was not to exclude the implementation of the public debts. On the other hand, farmers are required to pay a ground rent and interest, while the landowner retains the land and other property bendanja. Do not lowered interest rates to farmers are unlikely to get a loan, not debts of the old farmer was cleared to land mortgaged to the landlords was taken back by cuma2.

POLITICS OF TAX. Taxes must be paid for by revenue. In addition to the poorest people to be exempt from tax, all the people who have income, ie more than 80% of the population, including workers and peasants, the state must bear the tax. That burden dipikulkan wholly inappropriate to the landlords and capitalists. How to guarantee supplies to the soldiers arresting people and mendendanja it should be banned. On how to collect the tax, before we set a new way that is more suitable, way longer than the Kuomintang should be used with accompanying improvements that it deserves.

COMBATING OF POLITICAL ENEMY AGENT. Must be firmly suppressed traitors and anti-Communist elements stubborn. Otherwise, the revolutionary forces against the Japanese aggression can not be defended. But, do not be a kali2 too many to kill people, do not be a taxable kali2 up innocent people. Should be generous in treating yang shake elements among the reactionaries and the elements that follow the reactionaries because it is threatened. In pendjahat treat anyone, punishment punishment should be abolished with the firm; of preferred and do not believe the evidence is simply the recognition. Should be used to release all political prisoners of the enemy army, army soldier doll and anti-Communist, except for a very cursed the masses, who must be sentenced to death by the Agreement, the boss anyway. From prisoners, to be pulled sebanyak2nya people more or less revolutionary, reactionary because it was forced into the army, in order to work in our army, while others are released all. If they are captured again, released again; let them not be insulted, not money and their goods taken and let them not be told to plead guilty, but must be treated with sincere hospitality and everything. Politics should be used in treating them, let me just how reactionary they are. This is very useful to segregate the reactionary camp. Traitor to the Party, unless a very terkukuk his crimes, should be given to refurbish kesernpatan Himself, on condition he would not oppose the Communists again. If he could return following the revolution, he still may be accepted, but not allowed to enter the Party again. Let not the usual information Kuomintang was equated with mata2 Japanese and traitors, but must be distinguished both nature and treated berlain2an. Chaotic circumstances such agency or organization may arrest a person anywhere should dilenjapkan; to enforce revolutionary order to fight Japanese aggression, to be determined, that only the judicial institutions and government security agencies are entitled to capture pendjahat, while the army is only right to be so in time war alone.

RIGHTS OF THE PEOPLE. Must be established, that all the landlords and capitalists who do not oppose resistance against Japanese aggression, together with workers and peasants have personal freedom, right to property bendanja, entitled to vote, have the freedom to talk, meet, establish associations, thought, conscience and belief. The government only oversee elements conducting sabotage and rebellion in our base area, while others protected them all, not to be disturbed.

ON POLITICAL ECONOMY. Industry, agriculture and trade should be developed vigorously. Daerah2 other capitalists who are willing to open up industrial enterprises in the base area anti-Japanese aggression should be withdrawn. Private companies should be encouraged, while state enterprises should be viewed as a part of the whole company. All this is intended to provide for our needs above their own business. Any company that is useful it should didjaga not to be damaged. Political customs and monetary politics should be appropriate and not contrary to the main line of development of agriculture, industry and trade. Develop the economy in various regions of the base with sungguh2, thorough and not in vain, to meet our needs above their own business - this is essential to maintain the chain of the base area in the long run.

POLITICS OF CULTURAL AND EDUCATIONAL. Pokoknja is, a sense of national pride among the masses of the people, as well as their knowledge and ketjakapan against Japanese aggression, should be raised and leveled. Education expert, cultural workers, journalists, scholars and technical experts from among the liberal bourgeoisie must be allowed to come stricken area basis to cooperate with us, opening schools, publish newspapers and run jobs lain2. Semua intellect rather active elements against the Japanese had to be pulled into our schools, provided training in the short term, and ordered to participate in the work of the army, government and social; they must be received by not segan2, given the task and removed with no segan2. Do not be afraid of this fear, or fear of reactionary elements will stow. With a sort of inevitable that some elements will stow, but there is enough time to brush them in the process of learning and work. In every area of the base, must be established printing, published books and newspapers, founded divider and introduction agencies. at each base area, as far as possible should be opened besar2 cadre school, the greater and more, the better.

POLITICS OF MILITARY. The 8th Route Army and New 4th Army should diperkembang sedapat2nya, because this is kedua2 armed forces most Chinese people should believe in mengkonsekwenkan national resistance against Japanese aggression. Against the Kuomintang army, we must still take the politics "if we are not attacked, we will not be attacked", and tried to make friends with them sedapat2nya. Opsir2 Opsir2 not belong to a party the Kuomintang and sympathetic to us it should be withdrawn as far as possible into the 8th Route Army and New 4th Army, to strengthen the construction of our soldiers. Members of the Communist state control segala2nya in our army with the largest number, should be changed as well now. Of course, "three-three system" should not be practiced in the Mother of our soldiers, but, from the hegemony of the army remained in the hands of our Party (this still needs to be, should not be violated), we fear no mind to attract sympathizers were sebanyak2nya to participate in the development of the field army military and techniques. At present, the basis of the Party and our army in the ideological and the organization has been located as solid-unsound, then the businesses attract sympathizers (certainly not a saboteur) sebanyak2nya was not only not harmful, in fact can not be excluded to obtain the sympathy of the whole people of extending the revolutionary forces. That is why politics is politics that needs to be.

Various principles of the united front tactics and concrete politik2 established under this principle as stated earlier, should be practiced as firmly-specifically by the entire Party. Therefore at the present time, the Japanese aggressors against China intensifies agresinja, big landlords and big bourgeoisie in the country running a political oppression wenang2 and launched a military offensive which are all anti-Communist and antirakyat, then only dergan prinsip2 practice tactics and concrete politik2 as mentioned above only then can we mengkonsekwenkan resistance against Japanese aggression, develop a united front, reached the sympathy of the people across the country and bring about a favorable change in the situation. However, in correcting the error, we must act step by step, should not be too tergesa2, resulting hal2 that is not good like: cadres not happy, suspicious mass, landlords and lain2 attack back.

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